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  • An Update

    An update on where I've been at, where my posts have been at, and why I've been slack.

    Published on: 07-11-2024

    Written by: Kyle Lopez-Finlayson


    2 min read

    I set out to make much more regular posts on this blog, because I really do enjoy writing about all these amazing games I keep finding.What I should have expected is that playing all of these games will take time, and pushing myself to rush through them to write about them is what I wanted to avoid.

    I took a break and I’ve been playing a lot of Morrowind, it’s kind of like comfort food to me. I had to take a step back from what I was doing before and try to focus on really enjoying a game again. Between a new job, new games, writing about those games and still wanting to work on my own projects, it was a lot of pressure. Especially considering that I don’t think any people are actually reading this.

    So I’ve decided to try and scale back this operation a bit. Monthly roundups, rather than fortnightly. Same amount of games, but less pressure to try and finish every game I play. I’m also going to stop hunting for games to write about. I spent quite a bit of time trying to find games to reach a self-imposed minimum of games to write about. This led to me playing games that I generally didn’t enjoy or care about that much.

    Test image for aspect ratio.

    So there will from now on be monthly roundups, generally towards the end of the month, with the contents being my impressions of games I played that month. I’m not going to write about games like Morrowind because everything that can be said about TES III has likely already been said by a thousand other people. I want to write about new games, and I want to continue to highlight what I think are some of the most exciting indie experiences on the market.

    I’m not here to make money or garner internet fame, if one person reads this blog a month it would probably still be too many. I just like to write, and I like video games. Hopefully that never fucking changes.